Saturday, September 29, 2007

Stargate: Atlantis Season 4 Premiere...

Well, they do like to hit the ground running, we'll give 'em that! Cheers to Martin Gero for a wonderfully written episode and to the whole cast and crew of 'Adrift'. David Nykl's performance was pitch perfect (per usual) and it was nice to see a bit of angry sparks fly between My-hair-defies-gravity Sheppard and I'm-with-genius McKay. I'm actually quite excited about Carter joining the team and can't wait to see how Dr. Keller is developed. That is, until the mid-season two parter 'Be All My Sins Remember'd' when CARSON makes his comeback *dance dance dance*. It's good to have our Scot in the Sky back.
Bottom line? This seasone premiere was FRAKIN' AWESOME!

...damn you 'to be continued' titles.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Stargate In Austin...

Hey everyone. I was thinking recently about the dire lack of Sci Fi conventions in Texas and decided to do a preliminary exercise to see how many people would be interested in the possibility of having a Sci Fi convention in Austin, Texas. I've always found it strange that the live music capital of the world where the Austin Film Festival as well as SXSW are held, does not have a Sci Fi convention. There was an anime convention for all of five years, but we can see how that went. If anything a SFC could piggyback onto SXSW as a venue.

Therefore, I've decided to look into this idea and see what's possible. We have a group on facebook:

I like how the url's quite easy to remember, so get on that ;D.